Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Feast Part 2

He popped the hood of the car up anyway and shined his flashlight on various parts inside. He had a very basic and poor understanding of what he was seeing. What was worse was he really wanted to get out of here. To an Interstate, a Freeway, anywhere but here. He had a strong feeling he was being watched. Although, he had no idea by who – or what – and when he quickly glanced around he saw nothing. Nothing but scrawny, bare tree limbs and the small dirt road. He pulled the oil stick out and checked the amount of oil it indicated was in the car. It seemed fine to him. As if checking the oil might magically make the car run like new again, he walked back around to the driver’s seat and tried the ignition – nothing. “Alright,” he thought, “Time to call for help.” He pulled out his sleek new cell phone. It was one of the newest models that had come out. Stacked with features this phone could do almost anything. Except now the latest technological wonder known to man showed no reception. For the second time Mark exclaimed, “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Do you know how much I paid – and still pay monthly – for this phone? And when I really need it, no reception. Why couldn’t I have just listened to my dad?” He thought.

With the car out of commission and his beautiful new phone not working, he only had one option left – walk. Walk until he found help, or a phone, or better yet a mechanic. As he slowly started walking down the road he heard a light crunching noise as his shoes hit the dirt and gravel. That feeling that he was being watched grew stronger and seemed to be following him as he went. Off into the unknown darkness he heard an owl hoot. Under normal circumstances that wouldn’t matter, but on this road, on this night, it spooked him a little. He wished he could stop his heart from beating so fast, he was afraid it might give out on him before any monster had a chance at him. He was walking quickly now, wanting to get this over with, like ripping a band-aid off.

He saw something white in the distance but couldn’t tell what it was, or maybe he could and didn’t want to. Every horror movie he’d ever watched was flooding back to him. He had always thought that if it were him in those situations in the movies he would survive, but now he wasn’t so sure. The white thing was coming into view with each step he took. It was lying on the side of the road, when he shined his flashlight on it, it almost seemed to glow. A heavenly-like ribcage, legs, and skull lay before him.

When he reached the spot where the bones lay he bent down at the knees and examined them. Of course, this was pointless, unless they were human or some incredibly obvious animal he would have no idea what they were, and he didn’t. He was starting to question the actual applications of a psychology major. As he looked up from the bones he happened to glance into the line of trees on the right side of the road. Two large glowing eyes fixated directly on him. They were two of the largest eyes he had ever seen and they seemed to be staring straight into his. It was dark, so the head of whatever this was could not be seen, but he could have sworn he saw a smile in the shadows under those eyes. They blinked and disappeared. He whirled his flashlight around and splashed light where the eyes had been in the trees, but whatever it was had left. Or at least it wasn’t there. Frightened more than ever, his heart doing triple the beats, Mark started running down the dirt road. The crunches underneath him coming quicker than ever now. The cold air he sucked in for breath stung his throat and lungs, but he wasn’t going to stop. The circle of light from the flashlight jerked around violently as he ran through the darkness.

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